Found among the Eurobike Award shortlists, Vancom's system might simplify tube changes

Vancom seeks worldwide distributors for linear inner tube portfolio

It’s been done before and vanished from production shortly after, but the double-ended inner tube is back and this time it’s won a Eurobike Award (to sit alongside the Taipei show Award already bagged).

Vancom of China has introduced its take on the design, which instead of re-looping over the valve like Fly’s system, instead opts for a end-to-end plug design.

Available for wheelsizes 20-inch and upwards, Vancom’s system allows for quick tube changes without the removal of a wheel, making it particularly handy for road races, electric bikes with fiddly motor connections, or even BMX where an extension tool for peg removal may not be handy.

Vancom has product in both schrader and presta and tubes average at around $9 a piece.

To view BikeBiz’s entire Eurobike gallery, click here.

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