Today’s BikeBiz jobs board offers a wealth of new opportunities

Thinking about a new job?

Fancy a new challenge? Then look through the wide variety of jobs available on the UK’s cycling trade jobs board.

The BikeBiz website offers an easy way to find the perfect new job for you. Improve your money or switch your career path – it’s up to you.

The jobs board currently includes vacancies for:

Madison – assistant brand manager
Fisher Outdoor – sales agent in Ireland
Moore Large – national premium products sales person
Halfords – store manager

Just click on our Job Vacancies page to see what else is on offer.

The BikeBiz jobs board offers advanced features for recruiters including automated notifications of applications to their current jobs.

Only is dedicated to the bike industry. Visitors to the site are already in the business or are looking to get back into it, offering you experienced professionals applying for your roles.

Nearly 400 registered candidates are already looking for jobs, with new job seekers signing up every day.

If you have a job that needs filling contact Carly Bailey.

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