The New York Times has just published a major piece on bicycle saddles, catching up with the August coverage of articles in the Journal for Sexual Health. It contains a new interview with Dr Goldstein, the urologist who caused the 1997 outbreak of 'cycling causes impotency' stories that went around the world. The NYT piece also contains a plug for a new US road saddle, a product revealed on in August.

Saddle scare story goes mainstream

This time round the bicycle industry can show it has ergonomic saddle solutions but the healthy image of cycling could still be damaged by the New York Times coverage of the issue.

On the plus side, the piece contains advice for cyclists on getting properly bike-fitted by specialist bicycle retailers.

Joshua Cohen’s new road saddle – revealed first on – also gets good coverage.

The NYT story is based on three papers and an editorial in the latest issue of the Journal of Sexual Health. reported on this story in August, see link below.…/04bike.html

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