
The MP, the nurse and the rising tide of obesity

You can't turn the page of a newspaper, or scroll down a news website, without tripping over yet another story about blubber. We're drowning in the stuff. And, as we're constantly told, children of today are more sedentary than ever before. One way for kids to get in a dose of daily exercise is cycling to school and many UK government departments are linking up to encourage safe routes to school. So, why are the two people pictured here behind a Bill that would likely lead to a drop in cycling levels among children?

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Happy birthday, MBUK

The May MBUK is a bumper birthday issue to celebrate the mag's 15 years in publication. Naturally, there's a retrospective so get ready for poor taste cycle clothing, lots of purple components and Zak Tempest...

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UK road safety review published; helmets lauded

The Department for Transport has today published the first review of the UK government's Road Safety Strategy to coincide with World Health Day, which this year is focussing on the global road safety challenge. CTC says it likes some bits of the review, dislikes other parts.

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