
Race Face teams up with Giant and Manitou for freeride comp

The fourth annual running of the the Race Face Ultimate Challenge is now under way. The challenge allows visitors to the Race Face website to vote on the best movies submitted by riders. Videos are now being accepted for the $25 000 'winner takes all' contest with the submission deadline set at February 1st, 2005.

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Ditch the rucksack, fly to Oz with your bike

With the advent of no-frills airlines it has become possible for weekend warriors to extend their bike ride destinations. Why drive to the Peaks when you can fly to Tuscany? A soon-to-launch airline extends the geographical potential even further: how about a week's tour down under, or a bit of biking in Bangkok? BackpackersXpress is the first airline to take a low cost model international - and it's not just for backpackers...

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NYSE woes for Huffy

Not all is well at the Ohio basketball-to-bikes company. The latest bit of bad news is an early warning letter from the New York Stock Exchange...

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Minister for Transport to lead parliamentary bike ride

The annual event is staged during Bike Week, 12-20th June and is not always picked up as much as the bike world would like by the mainstream media. With Dr Kim Howells - a GT-riding roadie - taking part this year the event is more news-worthy. But where's an evil Tory bigot, a recumbent tandem, a split skirt and some hospital closures when you need them?

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