
DfT floats idea of creating single Tsar for cycling and walking

Cycling has a National Cycling Strategy Board, a government appointed body that advises on measures to make cycling more attractive in the UK. Walking, another way of getting people out of cars, has no such quango. Could the two transport modes be combined into one body, with one Tsar? Transport minister Tony McNulty today told that any merger of cycling and walking would be positive. "Neither will be diluted," he said.

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Cycle this city from your sofa

A multimedia CD-Rom packed with cycling routes, photographs and cycling information has been launched in a bid to make more people aware of the opportunities for cycling in Leicester.

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Don’t buy the Walsh book, pleads pro rider

Scott Sunderland said: "We need guys like Lance; really, people need to stop killing their heroes." His latest diary entry at urges cyclesport fans not to line the pockets of Walsh and Ballester, authors of 'LA Confidential'.

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