
US government tells citizens to eat less, exercise more

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, released today, emphasises the best foods to eat but, for the first time, it also adds the proviso that daily exercise is essential. And exercise must be "moderate to vigorous" for 60 minutes a day. The new guidelines don't mention which form of exercising is best but another set of health tips from the feds says "Walk, cycle, jog, skate, etc., to work, school, the store, or place of worship." Here's a new campaign for Sustrans: Safe Routes to Church...

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Cobbles are no-go for Paris-Roubaix

The Paris-Roubaix one-day classic is a race known for its cobbled sections, or pavé. Last year major renovation work was done on some of the cobbles, re-setting them lower, and the Arenberg trench was kept as part of the route. But ASO, the organising company, has decided the most famous section has got to be ditched this year for 'safety reasons'.

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New, on-demand bike poster printing service from Science Musuem

For £10-15 you could have a quality A4 print of one of the 161 images of bicycles from the Science Museum's Science & Society Picture Library. This selection of prints is part of the 30 000 image collection available from an on-demand print service operated from Bletchley Park, the WWII code breaking site. A0-size posters cost up to £120.

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