
Only indigenous bicycles can help rebuild tsunami-battered countries

That's the conclusion of the director of the biggest US bicycle recycling organisation, Pedals for Progress. His sentiments are echoed by the director of the main UK bike refurb organisation. As well as problems equipping local people with tools and spares for finely-tuned Western bikes, the countries affected by the tsunami don't want our bikes, they have their own bicycle industries.

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Sing in the New Year with

Still mumble to Auld Lang Syne? Use this cut-out-and-keep aide memoire to make sure tonight's rendition of Robert Burns' 1788 poem is word perfect. Be the envy of your friends as you sing the full version, not just the first verse and the chorus...

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Bicycles can help countries recover from Tsunami damage

With the death toll from the Asian earthquake disaster still rising, one small part of the recovery process for the countries affected could be the access-all-areas bicycle. A US charity is aiming to ship out bicycles to Indonesia, other bicycle refurbishment charities could follow suit.

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