Fly6 aims to stop drivers picking their noses (oh, and provide video evidence of bad driving). It's launching on Kickstarter.

Camera & rear light combo aims to change driver behaviour

An Australian company is seeking crowd-funding, via Kickstarter, for its combined camera and tail-light. The Fly6 has been developed by Andrew Hagen and Kingsley Fiegert of Perth.

"We have a big mission, to make drivers aware they might be recorded, so they behave appropriately," said Hagen. "We all know when we see a camera at a set of traffic lights we apply more caution to make sure we don’t do something wrong. We know there will be consequences. Fly6 is that camera, but it’s on the back of a bike."

The water-resistent Fly6 is a strobing rear bike light that records in high definition video. 

A video produced for the launch shows a young motorist picking her nose…before she spots the camera. The Kickstarter video was filmed on the Fly6.


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