Unique user numbers smash previous records

BikeBiz.com has biggest ever start to a year

BikeBiz.com has had its best beginning to a year ever, smashing all previous records.

In the period from January 1st to February 14th 2016, unique users were up eight per cent on the previous high in the same period in 2014. The number of unique users visiting the site in the period totalled 129,000, up eight per cent from the previous high in 2014 of 119,900 – and up 26 per cent up on the same period in 2015.

Signs of a new record were in the offing by the second week of February, but it was the Wiggle & Chain Reaction scoop broken by BikeBiz on Wednesday Feb 10th that cemented the record, with the industry revelation driving numbers up for the site.

"It’s been a strong start to the year for bike trade news," said BikeBiz editor Jonathon Harker. "Specialized has been in the headlines thanks to a patent battle, streamlining and a top name appointment, Accell had a serious case of financial theft and we’ve published exclusive opinions from bike trade bosses. Then there’s been the motor doping scandal and of course the Wiggle and Chain Reaction news.

"BikeBiz is committed to bringing a compelling mix of breaking news, scoops, industry-exclusives and market insights – plus quirky stories from the wider world of cycling. We’ve got some exciting announcements to make in the coming weeks, so stay tuned."

Join the 15,000 other industry members who subscribe to the daily round-up email. It’s free, and when big stories break you also get news-flashes so you’re always in the know.

Prefer to keep up to speed via social media? Our Twitter channels continue to grow – @bikebizonline has 16,700 followers, our executive editor @carltonreid has 17,800 followers.

If you’re after a job in the industry (or need a position filled) there’s one place that gets more views than any other and that’s the BikeBiz Jobs Board

Need an address? The annually printed BikeBiz Directory is rightly chained to desks (and workbenches) in bike companies across the UK.

The monthly print mag is as packed with features as ever, including comment pieces that aren’t afraid to ruffle feathers. Prefer bits and bytes to dead trees? The latest print mag is always available as a PDF download.

Contact the team on BikeBiz@nbmedia.com.

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