Manufacturer links with world's largest handmade bike show and introduces high value competition

Gates Carbon Drive signs three year sponsorship of NAHBS

Gates, makers of the Carbon Drive belt system, has signed a three year sponsorship deal with the North American Handmade Bicycle show.

Claiming to be the world’s largest show dedicated to the art of handmade bikes and frames, NAHBS is held annually in Sacremento, spanning March 2nd to 4th in 2012, which is when Gates’ sponsorship begins.

The deal will include the introduction of a new design contest at NAHBS 2012, dubbed the ‘Innovative Belt Drive Bike Design award’. A $8750 cash prize is up for grabs, as well as a number of prizes. Entry forms can be found here.

Contest entries will be judged on their sliding dropouts, belt tensioning systems, frame splits and other design factors. First prize is $5,000 in cash and prizes ($2,500 cash, ten Carbon Drives valued at $2,500). Second prize is ten Carbon Drives worth $2,500. Third prize is five Carbon Drives worth $1,250. Winning bikes will be displayed on the main awards stage on Saturday, March 3, and shown in the Gates booth on March 4.

“Custom builders are the lifeblood of innovation and design in the bicycle industry, and Gates is pleased to partner with NAHBS to support entrepreneurs who are pushing the envelope of bike design and artistry,” says Frank Scurlock, director of global sales for Gates Carbon Drive. “We are excited to help promote this vibrant culture of domestic bike building.”

Having run since 2005, the show is growing in popularity, last year setting a new record for attendance.

“Since the Gates Carbon Drive technology made its debut at NAHBS in 2008, this exciting new technology has been creating more and more buzz, and we are delighted to welcome Gates to the NAHBS family with this significant partnership,” says Don Walker, president of NAHBS “Every year we see more and more beautiful belt-drive bikes on the show floor, and builders rave about these transmission systems.”

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