The Observer newspaper reveals that the government has, at last, seen sense. The best way to keep fit isn't by cycling a stationary studio bike, it's by cycling to work, to the shops, to school. A £90m advertising and promotional campaign will be launched to support the 'Everyday sport' campaign.

Forget gyms, dig, walk or cycle, UK government will argue

The government recognised that efforts to get the nation more active and tackle obesity through promoting sport and fitness have failed.

"Now they want to encourage people to become healthier through simple activities such as walking and cycling rather than aerobics, squash or football," says The Observer.

"Ministers will sweep away decades of official advice by stressing that the most realistic way to shake the nation out of its increasingly sedentary habits is by short daily bursts of activity. A media blitz will tell people that they can add years to their lives by cycling to work, doing more gardening, using stairs rather than lifts and pushing the baby’s pram."

Sports Minister Dick Caborn will unveil details of the plan this week, says The Observer.…/0,11032,1194470,00.html

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