Essential book: Designing for Cycle Traffic

John Parkin is the author of a detailed new book from ICE Publishing, the imprint of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Designing for Cycle Traffic is a textbook for cycle advocates, scholars, students and road engineers.

Parkin is the professor of transport engineering at the University of the West of England in Bristol. 

The book is a "practical roadmap on how to create the kind of streets we want to walk and ride along," says Chris Boardman, Greater Manchester’s walking and cycling commissioner. "Space not just for transport, but for living," the Olympian adds.

Designing for Cycle Traffic is international in scope, drawing on UK, Dutch, Danish and American principles. The book’s back cover says that the 228-page volume "enables readers to understand how effective design can create efficient transport systems that support economic vibrancy, social activity, and environmental sustainability."

A one-and-a-half-hour interview with Parkin was uploaded yesterday to the Spokesmen podcast.

The book costs £65 from the ICE Bookshop. 

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